Jant Kapağı?

Çoğumuz için jant kapakları çöptür.Yol kenarları ve çöplükler onlarla doludur. Yine de, adamın biri, çöp işte dediğimiz jant kapaklarını sanat eserine çevirmeyi başarmış görünüyor. Bir bakın, şaşıracaksınız…
He goes by Hubcap Creatures on Deviant Art, but he also has a website and Facebook page. The most incredible thing about his sculptures is that once they are finished, you can barely tell what materials he used to make the metallic, intricate creations. Just have a look for yourself.

Choi + Shine Mimarlık – Devlerin Ülkesi

Devlerin Ülkesi (The Land of Giants™)

Award Winner
2010 yılı Boston Mimarlar Birliği, İnşa Edilmemiş Mimari Yapı yarışmasının 

Design Recognition Award
İzlanda yüksek gerilim elektrik taşıyıcı kulesi  uluslar arası tasarım yarışması 

The 36th Annual Ken Roberts Memorial Delineation Competition
The ‘Land of Giants’ is a poem for the eyes.”
Elmar Burchia, Corriere Della Sera, Aug 17, 2010 , (Additional press coverage…)

This design transforms mundane electrical pylons into statues on the Icelandic landscape by making only small alterations to existing pylon design.

Please consider donating to a foundation, such as this one

All images and designs © 2008 – 2011 Choi+Shine Architects, LLC. All rights reserved.

The pylon figures in Iceland, showing variation in position.

Okumaya devam et

Yaşgününde Efsanevi Hazine Avı (Ne babalar var…)

For one lucky kid, birthdays aren’t just about opening presents and getting embarrassed in restaurants by singing waiters. Instead, his mom and dad make it about challenging and exciting treasure hunts and spending some amazing time together as a family.

This is the treasure hunt that his family created for him this year. Clues were hidden all over the house and even the town, all leading to a final epic treasure.

Konteyner Deyip Geçmeyin

A luxury home doesn’t always necessarily mean thousands of square footage, towering great rooms and gilded toilets. Take these homes for example: to begin building one of these epic houses, all you need is $2,000. That $2,000 will buy you a shipping container. What you do with that shipping container… well, that’s completely up to you.

Some creative people have found a way to transform this rudimentary “room” with metal siding into luxury housing that blows us away. These homes are epic.

En Rengahenk Yüzük

The Most Colorful Ring Ever 14 photoHave you ever thought about making a ring out of colored pencils? Well, we haven’t either, but this person did and the results were something truly awesome. Source: acidcow.com

Have you ever thought about making a ring out of colored pencils? Well, we haven’t either, but this person did and the results were something truly awesome.

Etkileyici Lakin Yapması Kolay İşler

I Can’t Believe How Easy It Is To Make These Things Myself 40 photoFiguring out cheap and easy ways to make your own furniture and decor is a trend that is becoming more and more popular. Because of that, some pretty impressive tutorials have been created. For those of you who love crafts or even just cool projects, check out these lamps you can build yourself using only household items and simple tools. They are great crafts and, even better, they look fantastic when they are finished. Source: http://www.sooziq.com

Figuring out cheap and easy ways to make your own furniture and decor is a trend that is becoming more and more popular. Because of that, some pretty impressive tutorials have been created. For those of you who love crafts (or even just cool projects), check out these lamps you can build yourself using only household items and simple tools. They are great crafts and, even better, they look fantastic when they are finished.